This year, Oregonians have had greater opportunities to learn and celebrate our state’s Black history than ever before. And it’s all because of folks like YOU.
That’s because Oregon Black Pioneers is Donor Powered. Everything we do—from exhibitions, to speaking events and tours, to historical markers and more—is powered by contributions from our friends and followers. The folks who believed in our mission, and made a gift to support Black history, powered programs that reached thousands of adults and young people in 2022. If any of them have inspired you, please consider a donation to Oregon Black Pioneers today!

North Coast Black History Bus Tour! We took 50 travelers to African American historical sites between Portland and Seaside, and enjoyed on-board films and special presentations.
Letitia Carson Legacy Project! The LCLP honors early Black pioneer Letitia Carson’s legacy on the very land she first homesteaded in Oregon.
LCLP Juneteenth Open House Archeology Event! OSU archeologists and volunteers excavated select plots of the Letitia Carson lands to identify physical evidence of her time there.
New Black History Lesson Plans! Created with local educators to teach about the unique experiences of Black Americans in Oregon. 113 lesson plan requests came from all over Oregon and throughout the United States!
A Peculiar Paradise republished! We brought “the most comprehensive chronology of early Black life in Oregon” back into print with OSU Press.
“Meeting the Sewells” video with High Desert Museum! This fun living history short offers the unique perspective of one of the first Black families to settle in Central Oregon.
State historical marker for Reuben Shipley! We worked with many groups to place this important marker in Philomath, in honor of one of Oregon’s earliest Black pioneer families.
Renaming racist landmarks! Our work has helped rename geographic landmarks after historic Black Oregonians, replacing the original racist names.
New History Maps! Our new History Maps let you search for sites with African American historical significance all across Oregon.
African American Multiple Properties Document for NRHP! We worked to simplify and promote the National Register of Historic Places nomination process for African American historical places statewide.
OBP exhibits on tour! Our exhibits Black in Oregon: 1840-1870, and Racing to Change: The Eugene Story were on display in Portland, Eugene, Burns and Lakeview this year!
Speaking events all over Oregon! OBP represented at over 40 fairs, open houses, educational engagements and business meetings, raising awareness of African American Oregonians all over the state.